Get validation from your target audience
- Instantly connect with your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) using 100+ criteria and your own screening questions
- Extract actionable insights quickly from interviews, user tests, or surveys, powered by LightsterAI
- Start from just $12.50 including user incentives and fees - the lowest on the planet!

Join 400+ companies on Lightster
Who's using Lightster?
Learn about how leading teams are using Lightster to connect with their target audience.
Product Teams
Consultants & Researchers
Startups use Lightster for customer discovery, helping them get to product-market fit faster.
Lightster helps product managers and designers test new features, designs, prototypes with users.
Consultants and Researchers use Lightster for user research to support their recommendations.
Frequently Asked Questions
1Who are the users on Lightster?
Lightsters come from all walks of life, from students to retirees, to employed professionals and senior leaders of large organizations. What's common among all of them is their passion to co-create new products alongside innovators.
2What if I can't find the users that I'm looking for?
We offer free support and recruitment with an average turnaround time of 1 week. Connect with us to let us know your specific requirement at support@lightster.co.
3What makes Lightster different than other platforms?
Lightster allows you to connect with users directly at anytime, so that you can get input more often than ever before. On Lightster it's about the people, not projects and for this reason you do not need to create a project before seeing your user matches.
4Does Lightster only work on mobile?
No, on Lightster you can join and run sessions on either web (https://app.lightster.co) or the mobile app. The difference is on web, you can share your screen (or ask the user to do the same).
5Can my team members join each session?
Yes, once you've scheduled a session, you will be able to copy and share the guest join link with your team.
Co-creation Corner
Tips, ideas, examples on how you can extract value from co-creation.